
Friday, February 10, 2012

Virginity in today's society ..

Back in my Mamaw's day being a virgin meant you had never been in a dark room with a boy and most definitely not a BEDROOM!  A kiss with more than 16 seconds of tongue was a bit much.  Today's virgins have been in dark rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, backseats, yards, couch, dressing room, elevator, etc.  My point is they are self proclaimed virgins because they haven't done the deed although they've read the deed they *technically* have yet to do the deed.  That's where I stand . . . with my blog.
Sheesh...get your mind out of the gutter.
I've flirted with a million blogs but have yet to commit or "do the deed" which in blog world would be more than 3 posts.  I have found it to be therapeutic even if no one reads it but my poor sister who has no choice but to read it.  
Just wanted to get my blog rolling.  Come back for the definition of my blog name and description and other awesome, cool, poor grammatically written thoughts.
P.S. these are thoughts so my punctuation and what not will not be correct..I meant for it to flow...not please my 4th grade english teacher.
I'm too tired to think anymore so here's my virgin, not-so virgin blog post for Brain Traffic.
Thx. K? Bye :)